Thursday, April 16, 2009

Its How I Roll

I guess this should have been my first post before anything else, before I offend someone, or a large nation, or a small planet. (Its really not that bad, but just in case). I don't really care what anyone else thinks about me. I'm an ass and a hater. Definitely not very gentleman like. I say whatever i feel like, right or wrong be damned. Racial comments, sexist comments, stereotypes, unfair hatred... its all fair game here. If you don't like that, or are easily offended, then just don't read it. Take it for what it is. Its well documented that I'm a hater. But the good thing is i don't discriminate between hate. I hate ignorance. And ignorance comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Many times, I get alot of heat for stereotyping, which I love to do. "That's not fair to say, their not all like that, that's so not cool to say that about them." Duh, I'm well aware that they are not all like that. There are exceptions to everything. But where do you think stereotypes come from? They happen enough within a group of people that it gets itself a label. Just how it goes. Sorry white people, I know you love to give everything more credit than they actually deserve, but the reality is stereotypes and ignorance are everywhere and it effects just about everyone in their own way. I just like to call some of them out once in awhile in a greatly exaggerated fashion. Again, take it for what it is. There's a reason why everyone says black people are better in sports, that Jews are cheap as hell, that asian people can't drive, or that white people...dont get me started on them, or that asian people are better in math. It's because we have all had experiences about that. We all been dominated in sports by the superior black athlete. We all been shortended by some cheap ass people before. We have all cussed out some retarded asian on the road for nearly causing fatal accidents. And we have all copied off that ridiculously smart chinese dude in school that has no friends. my posts if you like and I hope you enjoy it, again take it for what it is. "He keeps saying take it for what it is, what IS it?" um... hell if I know.

til next time

preview of next post: I generally try to stay away from sports topics since it only tailors to sports fans, but sometimes ill talk about it anyway. Hopefully, for you non sports fans, you will still find my writing interesting even if it is about sports. So next up, the NBA playoffs and my predictions.


  1. oh, and just because stereotypes exist doesn't mean that the majority of that particular race or people is true to the stereotype. people just talk about the stereotypes more. so booyainyofacemuthafuffaaaaaaaaaaa!

  2. seriously do you not read? people talking about them more is the whole point. i never said anything about how much of the stereotype is true, just that it exist and i that i like to talk about them. just saying when it gets brought up people are always all up in arms about it. seriously, wasnt up for you to discuss about it or your point of view, just my own. get off me hater.

  3. oh and your EXACTLY the people im talking about. thanks for proving me right already.
