Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Got to talking with a friend about relationships and whatnot and it got me thinking about what we talked about. Well we talked about a little of everything as far as relationships goes including just about every cliche in the book. "Guys are all assholes" came up alot. I don't dispute that. I'm losing more and more faith in my species. Not to saying you girls are just flawless. I could right a book on you guys but thats for another time. Yet those "assholes" got all the girls. Curious much. You hear that all the time right? "the asshole always gets the girl" and "the good guy finishes last." Those two go hand in hand. You always hear girls saying something like "I wish I could just find a decent guy." Please. They don't want that. They already have that. They can get that anytime they want. In fact, its pretty much guaranteed that 2 or 3 "good guys" are after any given girl at any given time. But what do they end up with? The Asshole of course. Its uncanny how often this happens. The handful of decent guys left in the world just cringed cause they know all too well. We literally see it all the time and just about everyone has wondered why the heck that is. Who knows! There have been a multitude of theories out there. You can pick and choose which one you think is right. I sure as heck can't figure it out. Why does the following conversation seem to happen all too much. Every, and i mean EVERY single one of you has been through this or knows someone thats been through this.

Girl A: Hey girl, hows it going with you and Timmy Perfect on Paper?
Girl B: *sigh* um... I don't know. It's ok I guess?? I just don't know about him...
Girl A: What do you mean you don't know? The guy is like perfect in almost every way.
Girl B: yeaaaaaaaa.. buttt...
Girl A: But what?? You guys get along so well, he has a great job, he makes good money, he takes care of his whole family, he's very educated, he loves you more than anything in the world, he would do ANYTHING for you, he puts you ahead of everything... even Tom Brady for crying out loud. And as a bonus he can even cook a little. What more can you ask for?
Girl A: I knowwwwwww... but... there's Johnny...
Girl B: What? You mean Johnny Dumbfuck?! Are you serious??
Girl A: *dreamy eyed smile* but i loveee himmmm
Girl B: What's wrong with you?? The guys a dead beat, doesn't even care about you, all he does is party, and he puts every single one of his friends before you. Besides that, he treats you like crap!
Girl A: *staring into space* but i loovee himmmmm..
Girl B: .........

Seriously. Happens way to much. The battle between Timmy Perfect On Paper and Johnny Dumbfuck rages on. Timmy your a great guy... but you got your work cut out for ya. Wait a minute...What if there existed a more balanced guy?? A cross between said Mr. Paper and Senor Dumbfuck. That would be the perfect guy wouldn't it be ladies? I don't know man. Becareful what you wish for. If you combine Timmy Perfect On Paper and Johnny Dumbfuck, you might end up with Jimmy Perfect Dumbfuck. I guess we can't win.



Sunday, June 7, 2009

i got nothin

Seriously, the whole reason I even started this blog was because I had quite a people tell me that my opinions on all matters in life would make for some great writings. And yea i started to think it was a good idea as there in fact were many things that I have strong opinions about. Picking a topic I thought would be the least of my worries. Couple months into this blog and I can't find anything to talk about. I still can't. Blanked out so bad lately I even posted a queer ass entry which has since been deleted. Oh well. I even missed my NBA finals blog. The finals has since started so I won't visit that. Which is good since I don't want to do too much sports anyways. For now I'll go rapid fire random thoughts. 1-50 in no particular order. Here we go.

1. mamba mode
2. one more again
3. vesperia
4. can you stop the unstoppable?
5. awesometerrificness
6. scofield
7. two words for you
8. you are out of control
9. what kind of phone is that
10. 7
11. 13
12. yo yo
13. hado-ken
14. cilantro and lime
15. i don't get it
16. in the roof
17. i can't sleep
18. let's go
19. you can have whatever you like
20. it is what it is, isnt it?
21. im running out of random thoughts already
22. make the call
23. spoofee
24. 24
25. thats just too much attitude
26. dylon, dylon, dylon, dylon... and dylon
27. years old
28. a beer
30. dont worry about it
31. hautelook
32. dissidia
33. i see you like to chew...
34. jvg
35. i got you
36. chilissssssssss baby back ribssss
37. gold chocobo
38. what number are we on?
39. is the answer to the question in another question?
40. shattered
41. exp points? or ap points?
42. this can't be life
43. shoot the j
44. soft!!!
45. why won't my rechargeable batteries charge..
46. just relax, i got it
47. get money, get paid, oh rah
48. rawr
49. im better
50. straight cash homey