So i arrive in at the airport in Tokyo and all is well. Went through customs and it was pretty much a painless process. Took a good 45 minutes to get through everything. These people like to bow...alot. Anyways i get out through the terminal and start looking for Kevin. Dude is nowhere to be found. I walk back and forth and finally decided he stood me up. I go to a pay phone and make my very first purchase in Japan. I buy a phone card for 1000 yen. Machine popped out a card, i stuck it into the phone and called him. No answer. Hmm... where is this dude. Call him again, he picks up this time hallelujah. Hes not there yet!! He been waiting for me for ten years to get to Japan and dude gonna be late. Seriously. He said he will be there in a second and all of a sudden i hear his voice echoing. Dude is running up the escalator right next to the phone booth. MY NIGGA!!! Um... many many manly homeboy hugs ensue. ANYWAYS moving on...
We hop on the train and headed back to the hotel. He is in Tokyo for business so his company put him up for the weekend. Free room, sweet. We get there and its bigger than I thought it would be in Japan. Anyways, we kick it for awhile and then we head out to dinner. Kevin has a couple friends that are gonna meet us up. We head to..Shibuya was it? one of the busiest cities in Tokyo. Was pretty sweet. People everywhere. We get off at the station and Kevin points out the busiest starbucks in the world in the middle of Shibuya. So we meet up Kevin`s two friends. A guy named YJK. Yea the dudes name is 3 letters. Y J K. pretty freakin awesome. Real chill guy. We call him YJ. Korean dude with endless stories. and then we meet another guy nicknamed "Seku." I won`t tell you what that nickname means. But he is a really nice guy and he actually went to UNT in Denton for 4 years way back when. Anyways he says to me:
Gene- oh, its cool, im good im good. thank you
Kevin- ha, thats funny, just wait.
Gene- wait for what?
Kevin- *smug smile* just wait.
YJs english is very good so now problems there. We begin walking, headed to dinner. They wanted to start me off with a nice Japanese experience so they take me to a "Izakaya" style dinner. Its where you sit on the floor around a table order a bunch of appetizer type food to eat and drink some beers and have a good time. Its like family style eating. It was pretty awesome. At this point, Seku and Kevin are at like... 8 beers already. I`m quite a few behind them since I didnt wanna overdo it, I had been up for about 23 straight hours from when I left Dallas at that point. A few more people arrive and join us so we all kinda have our little side convos. I was talking to Kevin then all of a sudden...
Gene - man so talk to me bro hows everything
Kevin - its good man its good, im doing well at my job everythings good.
Gene - thats good to hear yo
Kevin - yea yea, how about you? hows home?
Gene - man you know how it is.. same ol stuff back there... everyone looking for a job and all that
Kevin - man i hear ya..
Seku: So with the economy struggling as it is,how does your government plan to avert this problem facing America. Any stimulus package or something of the sort in the works?
Gene: well the thing is... wait what?
I look around kind of confused and i look to Kevin. Dude is laughing his ass off.
Gene- dude did you just speak perfect english to me?
Seku - haha! i dont know? i... i am not sure! more beer???
Gene - ....
Kevin - hahahaha, i told you to wait for it man. dudes english is unstoppable when he is drunk.
Gene - dooode
Kevin - dude, you good? you gotta be tired...
Gene - Im good man, i think i can go another 3 or 4 more hours.
So we all start telling stories and just chilling and somehow we started talking about black people. Oh yes. I had plenty to say. Black girls specifically and the amount of hatred I have for them. YJ agrees, he is very knowing of the black girls way in the states. Evident by his constant finger snapping, head waiving and saying "OOOKKKKKK" oh yes, my kind of guy, he knows. So i tell the gay black guy vs. black girl story I experienced back home and most are quite impressed with my gay guy/black girl impressions. But Im not sure YJ knew what i was doing as he was still in the background head shaking finger wagging to no one in particular. He knows. My nigga.
3 to 4 hours have elapsed...
Kevin: dude man.. you been up for like.. 27 hours or something, you good? we can head back..
Gene - whenever man, im cool. im good for another 3-4 more hours...
Kevin - dude you said that 3 hours ago...
Gene - ...... sweet...
Kevin - sweeet
So now we are all done with dinner and about to head back and we say our goodbyes to most everyone and head out. YJ brought out a girl that he wanted to introduce to Kevin..Seemed like they got along pretty well. Then i accidentally told the story were everyone in texas thought Kevin was gay until recently... i swear it was an accident, Kevin not happy. So we start heading back but Seku wants just one more drink. So we head down to an irish pub kinda deal and he gets a drink while we pretty much wait for him. We finish up and head back to the hotel, I`m almost at 30 hours straight now.. time for some rest
Ok so in that pub we were at... this weird older white guy just randomly comes up to Kevin and starts talking to him. Just out of nowhere. He is from the states. Anyways they talk foreevverrrr...
Guy - *small talk small talk small talk*
Kevin - *fake responses fake responses*
this goes on for a good 15 minutes...and then..
Guy - So what do you think of this whole kidnapping thing going on in Japan?
Kevin - uh... what?
Guy - yea man kidnapping
Kevin - oo..k.. hey listen i gotta..
Guy - So i was in Japan years ago and I had a baby with a Japanese woman here. And guess what she did? She took my kid and left. Just kidnapped him man. I mean I`m the kids father. Its ridiculous.
Kevin - oh.. well.. hey my friends are..
Guy - So i went back home for awhile..then i was like you know what.. im gonna go back to Japan...and I`m gonna find my kid no matter what.
Kevin - um...your in a bar... i dont think your kid is here..
Guy - Yea i was here yesterday too, it was kinda dead...
Kevin - hey my friends have left already, their all waiting for me gonna go...
Guy - ok man ill be here tomorrow too if you wanna come out here and get a drink...
Kevin - o..
Guy - Later bro!!
Awesome day 1.
Preview for day 2: The camera fiasco and lost ipod...(yes, already)
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